My friend, Tiffany, invited us to join her and her boys for a play date at the Florida Aquarium a couple of Sunday's ago. We’ve been wanting to check it out since we moved here so we jumped at the opportunity. Connor and Andrew were cute running from tank to tank to see what was in it. Even Addie seemed impressed by what she could see. I was expecting fish and sting rays, similar to what we’ve seen at Sea World, but this was impressive. The sharks were really cool and they swam right by us! Connor loved the sharks. My favorite were the sea turtles. It was so neat to see them swimming under water.
After seeing everything in the aquarium we had lunch outside. Then we hit up their water park/splash pad area. And the sandbox…can’t forget the sandbox. We knew Connor loved the sand but it would appear Addison is just as big of a fan J After the sand Connor and Andrew ran off to explore the water area. In the center is a huge pirate ship to play on. They had so much fun! Addison couldn’t tear herself away from one of the water spouts. She would wave her arms over the water, then walk around it, then walk away….only to return and do it all again.

We stayed a little longer than we had anticipated as we wanted to be home for nap time. But they were having so much fun! We ended up leaving around 2 pm. Connor and Addison were asleep within minutes of being in the car. They both transferred to their beds when we got home without waking and slept 2 hours! They wore themselves out! We didn’t do anything else the rest of the day, except pack and get ready for our trip to Disney World the next day J I'll post separately about that next. You can view more Aquarium pictures here.
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