Monday, July 11, 2011


Addison had her first trip to SeaWorld this weekend! We haven't been in months and since we didn't have anything else going on this weekend, we thought it was a perfect opportunity to go again. We've been avoiding it due to the heat but Sunday was overcast which we thought would make it more tolerable. We also knew there was a chance of rain but that is the beauty in having season passes. If it started to rain we wouldn't feel cheated if we left the park. Connor was so excited when we told him we were going. He was grinning ear to ear when we arrived to the park. It was a hot day, even with the clouds. Addison was a trouper though and never cried once. She just sat back in the stroller and took in the sights! Somehow she even managed a short nap in the middle of the dolphin show. We only made it through the first half of the park when the dark clouds rolled in. We had already talked up the sharks with Connor so we had to go see those before we could leave. As luck would have it the shark encounter is at very back of the park. As soon as we were done the rain started. We ran as fast as we could back to the car...which was not close! I don't know if I can speak for all of us but I thought it was kind of fun :) It's been a long time since I've had to run in the rain like that - with no umbrella! Overall another fun trip to SeaWorld.

You can click here to view a few more pics from SeaWorld.

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