Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July Weekend

We had a great holiday weekend. We would normally take advantage of a long weekend by going out of town but not this year. We've been traveling a lot lately and needed a weekend at home. And it was nice. Saturday we went to a party at the Moncello's. Connor had a blast in the pool with Tim. He went down the slide over and over and over again. We didn't have any plans on Sunday but didn't want to be stuck at the house all day so we decided to go out to breakfast and then get fireworks afterwards. We just went to Denny's up the road. Both kids were great! Connor enjoyed his chocolate chip pancakes and Addison even let me put her in her car seat while I ate my the same time as John and Connor! :) Monday we went to Erin's house. She was having a BBQ/party for the 4th as her neighborhood was putting on a big fireworks production that evening. Connor had so much fun playing with the other kids there, especially Andrew who is about 5 months older than he is. We grubbed and then the kids got to do some small fireworks before we headed back home before it got late. We wished we would have stayed though! Justin proposed to Erin during the big neighborhood firework display!! So bummed we missed that but couldn't be happier for them. Congratulations Erin and Justin!!!!
Connor has really started to show more interest in Addison. His latest is wanting to feed her so we let him give it a whirl. He did a good job but he lost interest very quickly :) Connor was watching Sesame Street at one point over the weekend and we had put Addie down in the bouncer near him. We noticed him get off the couch and start to entertain her...such a sweet moment! 

Connor found the fireworks, mainly the poppers and bottle rockets, to be quite funny. He would laugh after each and every one of them.

Connor and I were cooped up in his room on Saturday while Daddy and Addison were taking a nap in the living room. Our house is pretty small so that was the only way I could contain the noise our busy bee makes these days. To preface this let me add that Connor is going through a phase where he would prefer not to be wearing any clothing. Thankfully he hasn't attempted to take his diaper off yet. Once he figures that out we're in trouble :p So we're in his room and he has on nothing but a diaper. He goes to his hat and sock drawer and pulls out his ski cap and asks me to put it on. Then he goes into his closet and pulls out his sunglasses. Cute right? It didn't end there. He then proceeds to do yoga like poses and tumbling all over his room. I had to capture this on camera - and he loved it! Once he realized I was taking pictures he would do a pose, hear the click of the camera, then run over to see what he looked like. We had so much fun!
 Below is a short but funny video of Connor "falling" on our bed. He does this all the time and I still laugh every time I see it. Never thought to get it on video until now....
 The following video is a clip of Connor doing poppers of some sort. Two people tug at the same time and it pops. Connor thought it was hilarious.
I hope everyone had a fun, safe and memorable 4th! Click here to view many more pictures from our weekend. Enjoy!!

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