We went to Daytona Beach last Sunday to help our friend Kristy celebrate her birthday. It was a fun, relaxing day with friends. Connor enjoyed his sand pit and Addison just sat back and enjoyed the scenery :)
Potty training has officially made its debut in the Gumula household. Connor sits and goes before bath time every night. I opened my mouth to daycare, just to see where they would fall in with the training, and they took off running with it! They put him on the potty at each diaper change and he has gone at least once a day ever since. They said as soon as he goes all 4 times (they have scheduled diaper/potty time) then we will move him to underwear and go from there! He has shown a lot of interest but isn’t quite ready to go cold turkey. Or maybe we’re not. I think we are being potty trained at the same time! We aren’t used to having to ask him if he needs to go, etc. In more ways than not diapers are easier! There is no real rush, when he’s ready he’s ready. TMI alert! He (and his teachers!) were ecstatic the day he went poo poo in the potty. He was so proud and couldn’t wait to show off the sticker he got :)
We also attended Open House at daycare last week. It was fun to see Connor’s classroom and talk to his teachers. It was also good to see his playground and get a sneak peek at the 3 year old room. While we were given a tour of the entire facility a couple of years ago when he first started, we weren’t really paying attention to the older rooms. We were only concerned with the infant room at the time. They have miniature potty’s in the 2’s with little sinks right at their height – too cute! We were also given a copy of their daily schedule. It’s fun now for me to glance down at the time and have an idea of what he is doing. They teach them so much there! I was a little surprised when I looked at their “circle time” discussion that day to find them learning about nutrition and weighing food. Really? No wonder Connor thinks he knows everything ;p LOL
Click here for more beach pictures.