Thursday, June 25, 2015

Father's Day Weekend

We spent last weekend in Waldo for Father's Day and to celebrate a couple of birthday's in the family. We got into town late Friday evening and started the weekend off with laughter and smiles. The kids were uber excited to be there in case you can't tell. Hard to believe Thanksgiving was the last time we were there! 

We spent the next day poolside and getting ready for the birthday party.

Saturday was Grandpa and Uncle Steve's birthday. 

They each got their own cake - thanks Aunt Jan!

We spent the evening down at the dock doing a little fishing. BeBe has been chumming up the Bream and Shiners in preparation for her week with Connor. She did a great job as the fish were really biting. Steve even caught a bass right off the dock! 

It was a beautiful evening

Connor catching his first fish! 

Addie and her first fish

The kids had such a fun time fishing - it was a really fun day and great time with our family. It was so good to see everyone again!

The kids stayed up super late all weekend. We even did a little late night swimming! 

Father's Day was just as relaxing! We had a nice big breakfast and then Daddy and Grandpa opened their gifts. We did some more fishing, spent more time in the pool....then ate again!

Gar caught using a shiner Connor caught - left overnight tied to the end of the dock. 


Look at those teeth!

It was a wonderful weekend filled with many new memories. Connor stayed behind when we left on Sunday as he is on "vacation" this week with BeBe.  He's been shopping, to a museum, fishing, on a boat ride, swimming, playing soccer, baseball, kickball, dodge ball, having water balloon fights and even earning money doing chores (his choice!). Just to name a few things. Needless to say he is being spoiled rotten. He may not want to come home! Luckily it isn't up to him - we miss him around here! The house is way too quiet without him. Though Addie may disagree ;) I, on the other hand, can't wait to pick him up this weekend.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


John sprained his ankle last week while playing kickball in the front yard with Connor. He has sprained his ankle before but never experienced any pain like this so he was worried it may be broken so we spent the evening in the ER getting it checked out. It was, in fact, only a sprain but a severe one. He may look happy in the picture above but he was anything but. 5 hours later we were sent home with an air cast and crutches and told 5-6 weeks of heal time. 

In the meantime you can find me picking up some of the slack around the house ;) He injured his right ankle so not only does this impact his physical activity but also his driving. Last week was a busy one for me doing the drop offs, pick ups, mowing, and cleaning the pool all on top of my normal mommy duties. I don't mind the mowing so much but scrubbing the pool is for the birds. If John kicks the bucket I'm moving to a condo! lol

Daddy and Addie supervising my yard work ;)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015