Addison took her first steps last week! At most she takes 3 steps before lunging for support, but she is close! I don't have it on video yet but trust me, I'm working on it! I'm so excited! I did snap a picture of the infamous pink pig that she likes to keep in her mouth. I think I wrote about that last week or so....

On Saturday we rode our bikes to the park for a bit. This was the first time Addison rode in the bike trailer and she loved it! She would wave to me when I biked by and I could hear her laughing the whole way there. I personally think she just likes sitting so close to Connor. It was a beautiful day out and the kids had fun.
We biked back for nap time then later met up with Grandma and Papa for dinner. They were utilizing some reward points at the Embassy Suites before they expired. We've gotten to see them three weekends in a row now! :)
The next morning we met them again at the hotel for breakfast before they headed back home. Later that afternoon we headed to our friends Sara and Mikey's house to celebrate their daughter Madeline's baptism. Connor had fun playing with all his friends: Ava, Andrew, Courtney and Cate! Addie got to babble a little with Chloe :)
Here is a link to some additional pictures taken over the weekend. I would say 95% of them were taken with my new phone. It has amazing shutter speed so I'm having fun taking pictures when I normally wouldn't have our nice camera out or with me.
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