Pool + Beach + Family & Friends = Great weekend!!!
Well, I can gratefully say that Addison did terrific in the car both to Cape Haze and back home - YAY!!! We thought we had the shots to thank for our trip there but she did just as good on the way home. She still isn't a fan of her car seat though....don't let this confuse that fact. We had to take a few trips in the car here and there and she verbally let us know she still would rather not be in the car if not completely necessary. I think traveling at night is key, but it also has to be under 3 hours as she still wakes up that often to eat (if not sooner).

We started our weekend off visiting our friends Jeremy and Danielle at their house for a little pool party. Grandma and Papa joined us there as well. Connor had a blast! He loves the pool and only got out to eat the entire time we were there. Jeremy and Danielle are expecting a baby boy in September. It was so much fun to catch up, to see the baby's room and to see Danielle preggo! :) That night after Connor went to bed we left Addie with Grandma and Papa and went out to see Hangover 2.
Sunday we left the kiddos with Grandma and Papa to join our friends on their boat. They have this event called the Redneck Yacht Club on most holiday weekends. It's essentially an excuse to party on your boat. Everyone gathers around a particular island where they have live music performing on a floating stage. There were several hundred boats there along with people on rafts…basically a giant block party in the middle of the bay. Lots of fun!
Monday we took the kids to the beach with Grandma, Papa and uncle Andrew. It was a beautiful afternoon. Why we don't always go to the beach when we're there is beyond me. I guess we're always too busy visiting with one another. The fact we were there for a long weekend gave us a better opportunity I guess. That night we attempted to go out to eat. I say attempted because every single restaurant in Englewood was closed. The only thing open was Denny's. So Denny's it was....I couldn't stop laughing.
Overall we had a fantastic weekend. Connor thoroughly enjoyed his grandparents (as did we!). He helped Grandma in every way he could. He even learned how to set the table! He can't do this at home as our table is too high for him to reach. Papa got to enjoy nap time with him one day :) Below is a fun video of Grandma and Connor doing 'motor boat' in the pool.
Click here to view many more pictures from our fun holiday weekend.