A couple of weekends ago was our annual camping trip to Fort De Soto. BeBe and Grandpa got us a new tent for Christmas last year and we finally got to put it to use! They knew we needed a bigger one once Addie started camping with us. Speaking of Addie, she did awesome and was a big help around camp!
We reserved four campsites this year with two families per site. Two families had boats so we got sites right on the water. We were on the East side this year so we didn't get the nice sunset as in previous years but we saw an amazing moon rise Friday night!!
We started Saturday morning biking around the campgrounds and playing at the playground. Then we took off for the Fort!
The three amigos, aka Reid, Finn and Connor, had a blast together. They had fun running from site to site, 'fighting' with palm fronds, biking around and otherwise ruling the campgrounds.
Unfortunately, we didn't luck out in the weather department this year. We had been keeping an eye on the weather all day Saturday and knew we were going to get wet if we stayed. We decided to tough it out though and prepared ourselves for the rain. It started sprinkling around 5 or so and slowly got heavier and heavier. It never really stormed, no thunder or lightning, but it rained all night long and into the morning. Everything was soaked...unless it was in our tent! Our new tent was worth every penny :)
The biggest downfall to the rain was not being to hang out with everyone around the fire. Instead we were all huddled under our respective tents watching football. I missed the fire! Don't worry...the kids still managed to squeeze in s'mores earlier in the day ;)
Rain or no rain we had a great time and another year of memories. You can view all of our camping pictures here.