Connor started Kindergarten on Tuesday!! We were a little bummed that we missed open house last week where we would have met his teacher and seen his classroom but it all worked out in the end. Connor wasn't nervous (at least he didn't appear to be) and there were no tears. I was close though! ;)
My baby is all grown up! (sniff sniff)
He sat down at his desk and started coloring. He said he was going to color the Grady Tiger for his teacher. He is such a sweet boy!

We're all still trying to adjust to our new schedule of getting up early and doing drop-offs/pickups at two different places. We are also still trying to get after-school squared away for Connor. We thought he would stay at the YMCA latchkey program offered at his school but he HATED it on the first day. They literally sat around and did nothing the rest of the afternoon. I'm sure there is a chance that it was just a first day snafu but we decided to pick him up after school until we figure it out. One of his best friends, Reid, gets picked up by a martial arts program and loves it so we're leaning towards that. They pick up, do homework, have a snack and then have a 45 min Tae Kwon Do session. We like the idea of a structured activity in addition to getting his homework out of the way before we pick him up. And he gets to see his buddy everyday as an added bonus!
I'm hoping to have a little 'down' time this weekend and get caught up on this blog. We've been crazy busy lately so I have lots of pictures to share...stay tuned!