This weekend was full of Fall festivities! We went to a pumpkin patch, strolled through an art festival, went to a Boo Bash at the Y and we carved our pumpkin. All that mixed in with a surprise family visit made for a very fun weekend.
The kids dressed up in their costumes and got to rehearse trick-or-treating at the YMCA's Boo Bash. The festival had various games for the kids and candy of course. They were excited mostly because they got to wear their costumes. I tried to get Addie to enter the costume contest but she wasn't having it and Connor just wanted to jump in the bounce house.
John's younger brother, Andrew, moved to NYC last September and hadn't been back since. He and his girlfriend, Ashley, were in town for the weekend and had arranged for a surprise visit with Grandma on Sunday :) John called her and Papa up Friday night and told them we needed them to drive up to babysit. Papa was in on the story and Grandma doesn't question a trip to see her grandbabies so the surprise was a success! Grandma was shocked to see her baby boy sitting in our living room when they arrived. We all went to lunch and enjoyed the gorgeous day on the patio at Jackson's which over looks the bay.
Afterwards we went to Chris and Marti's for our annual pumpkin carving. I gutted our pumpkin this year while John did the carving. The kids picked a ghost for our pumpkin. Addie and Connor decorated their pumpkins with stickers and paint. One of the other girls got paint on Addie's shirt which really upset her for some reason (probably because she didn't have a nap that day). I tried to clean her up as we didn't have another shirt but she wanted it off. So she went topless the rest of the evening and was happy as can be. Should I be worried? :p
We had a great weekend, click here for additional pictures.