Summer is officially over....can I get a woot woot?! I don't know about you but I, for one, missed have a set schedule that this summer did not bring us. Don't get me wrong, we had a super fun and memorable summer, we were just sooooo busy! We had a jammed packed calendar all summer long and were out of town almost every weekend. So the blog took a hit as I just didn't have the time or energy for it. But. Now. The kids are back in school, our weekends are dying down and I promise to make more time for the blog.
Connor was a bit shy at his Open House but was still excited to see his new classroom. He already knew who Mrs. Horne was and was very pleased with the assignment. Apparently some of his older buddies from his after school program had her last year so he was all up in the know. She used to be a Bucs cheerleader so I'm sure her good looks don't hurt either ;)
Addie's first day of school was Monday and it couldn't have gone any better. She was so excited to get to school and see her best friend, Emerson, and start the school year!
Connor's first day was Tuesday and was a little rougher than we expected. He seemed okay until we got up to his classroom where he suddenly got very shy and clingy and didn't want us to leave. To the point of tears. We felt terrible and John quickly pulled him outside to give him a pep talk. We're still not sure what exactly provoked it but this definitely wasn't normal for Connor. He seemed really upset about his new after school arrangements so John told him he could be a car rider that day. He ended up having a great day though and this morning went much smoother :)
I think Connor was a little bummed out that none of his buddies from last year made it into his new class but he is quick to make friends so we're not worried. I think we're going to have a great year!
Blogger needs emoticons. Just sayin' :)
Blogger needs emoticons. Just sayin' :)